There's an old hymn with lyrics that say:
"I’m not what I want to be
I’m not what I’m gonna be
But thank God I’m not what I was

Those things I counted once for gain, are counted now for loss,
My course was changed and routed by the roadway of the cross,
And though I know I’m not the man that I’m supposed to be,
I press towards the calling of the Christ who died for me"

I was thinking back 20 weeks ago when my Sabbath keeping journey
started. I went back recently and read my first blogs. I remember
feeling like I was stepping blindly into something completely foreign.
It was a struggle and felt overwhelming at times. Then it started to
make some sense. And gradually it became apparent that it was a
blessing! Of course, I have found that doing what God asks of me is
always a good thing!

The Sabbath has provided a means for me to stop and get alone with
God. I can do that anytime of the week, but I love having this time
purposely set aside. I can look forward to a whole day instead of
trying to grab a few minutes here and there.

I also love the family time on Sabbath. We spend time playing and
enjoying each other with fewer pressures and stress. And we all work
on giving our bodies the rest they need to recharge for the coming

In the beginning, I dreaded all the preparations to accomplish to make
Sabbath a true day of rest. It has indeed been a process to learn how
preparations don't have to be stressful. So many readers explained
how to make them a part of my everyday week. While everything does
not always go smoothly, I am finding that preparing is becoming more
natural and easy.

The best thing I discovered was that keeping Sabbath has more to do
with my heart attitude than anything else. When my heart worships
God, I don't have to worry so much about what I will or won't do on

I have a long way to keep going on this path of learning and growing!
I don't have it all figured out by any means! I am humbled when
people share on this blog how something in my post was a blessing to
them. I know that God is the source of all TRUTH and He is the One
who points us to what we need. If He chooses to use my ramblings at
times, then I am overjoyed!

I hope that 20 weeks from now I can look back and say again that I
have come a long way. I want my faith to grow, my understanding of
God's desires to deepen and my obedience to Him to be more immediate.

So the words to that old hymn above ring true for me. I am not what I
want to be, nor am I what I'm going to be. But thank God that I'm not
where I was 20 weeks ago!

Until next week,
Lisa G.